Listening to customer feedback, highlighted that staff enrolment on the turnstile access system was taking up valuable site administrator’s time. We responded by developing a bespoke application that speeds up the enrolment process by shifting the burden of enrolment to the prospective new site worker.
When you decide to invite a new staff member or contractor to work on site that will require access through the turnstile, by sending them a link to the software they then become responsible for inputting their own data into the system which can include a bespoke range of fields, but generally it will require them to add their personal details, CSCS license No: and photograph, via their smart phone, tablet or PC.
Once completed this data is uploaded to the system via the internet and sits on the system, meaning that all that remains to be done on their initial visit to site is for the administrator to verify the person and their details, before capturing their biometric details or issue a proximity access card.
This valuable ap reduces site administration time and speeds up the process of getting new site personnel on site and working. The Ap is included with all Secure Site turnstiles, In Line, Pod and Pod XL for enhanced operation and reduced administration