Site induction is a necessary part construction site health and safety, this compulsory training is however a time-consuming process and can take up valuable site time not to mention office space.
Considering this we expanded our online software to be able to incorporate your existing site induction and be uploaded to our system. We can then bespoke the induction and integrate it in to our system, from either a PowerPoint or PDF document so that it can viewed within our AP.
When you have a new site worker who needs inducting you can send them a link to your online induction, the inductee will then have to read the induction online, there is a dwell function that prevents the page being moved on before the correct amount of time has elapsed, ensuring that the inductee has to read the training document.
At the end of the process, you can add any additional terms and conditions that are specific to your site as well as capturing their online signature, which confirms that they have read and understood the induction. When confirmed the uploaded induction complete with their signature is emailed automatically to you at your nominated email address in a PDF format, so that your administrator can review and store the induction form as part of your site management process.
The online auto induction feature will save you valuable site time and ensures that you comply with important site safety requirements.