When you own and manage your own commercial property, or indeed that of somebody else, security should be at the forefront of your mind in order to provide the best levels of protection for that property. Keeping your commercial space safe and secure should be your number one priority, as neglecting this can lead to damage, theft, burglary and even squatters.
Security Through Prevention
One of the reasons for the security put in place at commercial premises, is to provide an effective layer of deterrence. If a criminal sees that you have security measures in place they are less likely to attempt to break in. For example, just the site of concrete barriers or perhaps steel security doors can put off even the most seasoned vandal or burglar. Some people with lower budgets may choose to have “dummy” security cameras for this very reason, but we recommend having real ones as dummy versions are not guaranteed to prevent a crime from being committed and should anything occur, they will not capture anything.
Some of the best prevention measures are CCTV systems, an access control system and an intruder alarm system. All of these visual indicators will let people know that you can easily catch them in the act, secure their subsequent prosecution and potentially preventing a crime from taking place. Commercial property owners should also consider business insurance policies to make sure they are fully covered.
Protecting Your Valuables
One of the main reasons for having security in place at almost any commercial property is to keep the contents inside safe; in addition to the physical property itself. Losing your valuables or those of your business, or having damage inflicted upon your commercial property, is inconvenient and expensive to fix or replace. To work to effectively prevent this, installing CCTV systems, barrier security and other viable protections in and around the property will help in preventing any damage or theft from taking place.
Catching Criminals
If your property has security measures in place, it is statically less likely that you will experience a break in. However, in the unlikely event that that were to occur at your commercial property, if you do have security in place you have a far greater chance of criminals being caught in the act soon after the unfortunate event of the crime taking place. This is often the case as CCTV will help capture perpetrators in the act whilst monitored alarm systems will alert police and security in real time to initiate an effective response to the activation.
Some security systems can be linked directly to the emergency services. If an alert to them that a crime is taking place initiates, the CCTV system is there to support evidence in the aftermath.
Keeping Staff Safe
As an employer, you have the responsibility of the happiness and safety of your staff whilst they are present at the commercial property; for example, an office or shop. Placing a large degree of importance on the security of your property is also ensuring the total safety of your staff. Having security systems in place will work to reduce the risk of any harm befalling to your employees.
Having security can reassure your staff and put them at ease. Therefore, their working environment will be stress-free and safe. It also acts as a deterrent for those who may wish to harm you staff, as the security measures you have in place will put them off and will allow staff to alert police and security should anything untoward occur.
For your staff, having an access code in place is a great option. These work to protect the staff entrance or just one or a few areas within it. You may consider things such as numerical keypads or fobs, in which a code or coded key fob is required for access. You may also want to utilise a buzz-in system where whoever is trying to enter the building or area must state who they are and why they are there.
Reducing the Risk of Vandalism
Vandalism, arson and general criminal damage are all concerns for those who own or rent a commercial property. As with the risk of theft, a CCTV system in full and open view can deter criminals from committing acts against the law that may damage your property.