Empty buildings act like magnets: they attract interest from all sorts of would-be visitors, at all hours of the day and night. Since doors can be a challenge to casual trespassers, windows will always be a source of temptation and offer a possible way in. While a void property can be boarded up quite rapidly, the results may not resist the efforts of a determined or well-equipped intruder.
Void property security specialist Secure Site UK has a solution that combines robustly functional looks with real security. Secure Site UK’s galvanised steel security screens are made to measure and fit the window opening snugly. This leaves little leverage for opportunists to pry them off, in fact even a determined intruder would give up the unequal struggle fairly rapidly.
Part of the difference is the specialist security screws that Secure Site UK uses to fix the window security screens in place. Once fitted by one of Secure Site UK’s staff, the security screws cannot be removed by anyone else until Secure Site UK is called back in to take them down again.
For the owners, empty buildings fitted with Secure Site UK’s steel screens have the combined effect of deterring potential intruders while adding a touch of professionalism in the property’s management. The perforations in the window screens allow enough light through the windows to make viewings a practical proposition instead of a search for torches and batteries.
Secure Site UK steel window screens are a clear indication to those viewing the property that it is in professional hands. There is enough light inside for viewing to mean just that: seeing the property in a semblance of normal window light. The screens also allow a degree of ventilation to be circulated through the building, while keeping out the weather: nor will the galvanised steel rust. To get started, please leave a comment below or just dial 0800 177 7027 for more information and organise a quote.